Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Power and the organized community. The basics of community organizing

Source: John LeMasney
On March 12 we held a workshop for the Illyés Sándor Student College of the Eötvös Lóránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology (ELTE PPK). The course Activism is organized by students studying community development and pedagogy. Through asking the participants to elaborate solutions to two social issues, our aim with Bálint Vojtonovszki was to highlight the difference between activism and community organizing, and give an overview of the process and key concepts of organizing. Then we identified community organizing among the four types of community intervention: service provision, advocacy, community development and community organizing.


17.00-17.10 INTRODUCTION

17.10-18.20 THE FOUR TYPES OF COMMUNITY INTERVENTION. In small groups, participants elaborated possible solutions for two social issues. Through analyzing the possible solutions, together with the participants we highlighted the differences between activism, advocacy, service provision, community development, and community organizing. What is power? How can we use our own power to the benefit of people in marginalized positions?

18.20-18.50 THE PROCESS OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZING. What do people need to become organized? Why is it good to be organized? How did Alinsky organize? What organizing techniques do you identify from the example? Alinsky critique - What is the difference between a movement and community organizing?

18.50-19.00 CLOSE

Susan Stall and Randy Stoecker (1998): Community Organizing or Organizing Community? Gender and the Crafts of Empowerment. The feminist critique of the Alinsky model.
Gary Delgado (1998): The Last Stop Sign. Community organizing and movements. Differences, opportunities.

Read it in Hungarian.

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